Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Politically Correct Branch

I used to think all this political correctness talk was confusing. It made life complicated and it was so easy to put your foot in your month if you weren't up to date on the latest title. Having spent some time up in this tree, I've had a bit of time to think about how to get down.... and being politically correct seems like a good step.

It's always bothered me when doctors would refer to me as infertile or talk about my infertility.... especially before they had a diagnosis. It wasn't until I read The Secret (yes, I read The Secret) that I began to think about the power of attraction. I started to think of different ways to attract positivity into my life and somehow refering to myself as infertile didn't seem like the best idea. If the universe was listening it would more than likely pass right over me without a kiss from the baby wand, after all, I was sending out "can't" vibes all over the place.

I've hemmed and hawed over what title should be appropriate. "Fertility Challenged" was really the only thing that came close, at first. Though it wasn't perfect because it still suggested a negative outcome, we didn't want this to be a challenge, we wanted this to be as easy as it could be, yes?

Eventually it dawned on me. "I am fertile." "I am fertile." "I am fertile." I may have been told I only have a 1-2% chance, but that still made me fertile. How dare anyone try to take that away from me!

I now go to the Dr's to talk about my fertility or take fertility drugs or research fertility, it's one of many changes I've made to my life to keep it positive.

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